Thursday, January 14, 2010

Supper Club

I’m a few hours out of my first night of volunteering with the Supper Club at Trinity United Church in Gravenhurst. It consists of a vibrant group of volunteers who come together each week to cook and serve a warm meal for anyone who needs it. I am going to be volunteering there every Thursday night and I'm happy to say my mom is going to come and volunteer with me. On the menu tonight – chicken burgers, perogies, sausages, bean salad, coleslaw, and trifle for dessert! I had a lot of fun getting to know the regulars. I was very touched by the sense of community that was shared between the volunteers and those coming to eat. The guests pop by the kitchen regularly to joke around and even lend a hand in preparing the dinners. On my way in I met a young man. He was the first to welcome me and talk to me as the rest of the volunteers were busy in the kitchen. I assumed he was a volunteer but he was there with a group of his friends to have dinner. Instead of sitting with his friends right away, he stayed in the kitchen and helped us plate food until everyone else had been served. After the meal was over this same young man and a couple of his friends stayed behind to help put away tables and mop the floor with the rest of the volunteers. The program and volunteers are all there to help them and yet these young men are going out of their way to help the volunteers wherever they can – and it wasn’t just these young men. Most of the diners were jumping to help where they could. For me it was a brilliant example of how the spirit of helping others spreads. Even in helping in what may seem like a small way can inspire others to do the same.
On the same train of thought: Earlier today my family and I got talking about making donations to charity organizations as Christmas presents and different people who I know that have done that. A conversation which concluded in my parents deciding that sponsoring a child in a developing nation is something that they would like to look into. I was so proud of them :) Hopefully soon I will have a sponsor sibling to tell you about!

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